I know it has been a while since I last wrote. We have been having al kinds of computer problems. I sure do miss the super fast connection I had at my shop. Now we do have wireless but sometimes it is as slow as dial up. I have been very making dolls. I had my first show a few weeks ago. Wasn't sure what to expect. But was not prepared for how great it was. Within a few hours I sold most of the dolls. I couldn't believe it. Shows like that sure boost your ego. It was wonderful to see how many people liked my dolls. This show was a 2 day event and after the first day I went home and scraped everythingIi had together to take the next day so that my table looked full. The second day was also an succes. But we also brought home a terrible bug. Bruce and I were sick for about 2 weeks. I haven't been this sick in a long time. It was awefull .I spend those two weeks also getting ready for my second show.The show was in Pioneer Park

. This show was not that great. All the vendors at the show were complaining. It was very well attented but the seemed that most people were just looking. Oh well. I have one more show coming up next weekend. Who knows what happens.
If I have time this week I would like to stop at some of the local shops in town to see if they are interested.
The holiday bazaar season is almost over. Next year I will be more organized and make sure I sign up for all the good shows on time. In the meantime I am going to get my website updated and I also need to update my Etsy website. I hope you like the pictures of some of the new dolls.